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外汇投资 2023年01月09日 13:05 189 来源:网络

斐济元(Fiji Dollar 原符号:F.$ 标准符号:FJD)


  斐济元由中央银行——斐济储备银行(Reserve Bank of Fiji)发行

  斐济原来的货币名称是斐济镑,1斐济镑等于2.3美元 。1969年1月13日发行斐济元,代替了斐济镑。当时规定斐济元的含金量为1.02048克,斐济元对美元的官方汇率为1斐济元等于1.1483美元,或1美元等于0.870834斐济元。1971年 8月,美元浮动后,斐济元钉住英镑,汇率为1英镑等于2.09斐济元,对美元开始升值;12月18日,美元贬值后,斐济元含金量未变,官方汇率于12月21日变为1斐济元等于1.24675美元。1972年6月23日,英镑浮动后,斐济于6月23日宣布仍维持1英镑等于2.09斐济元的比价,随英镑浮动。同年10月25日斐济元对英镑的汇率调为1英镑等于1.98斐济元。1973年2月美元再次贬值后,斐济元对英镑的汇率不变,对美元的官方汇率变为1斐济元等于1. 3853美元。随后于9月10日,与英镑的汇率调为1英镑等于1.88斐济元,1974年2月25日,斐济元的含金量降低9.765%,即含金量降低为0.920828克,官方汇率变为1斐济元等于1.25美元。同时放弃与英镑的固定比价。1975年4月7日,斐济元不再钉住美元,实行与一揽子货币挂钩的浮动汇率。1976年11月29日,澳大利亚元和新西兰元贬值后,斐济元对美元的实际汇率变为1斐济元等于1.0276美元。1983年3 月8日,斐济元对一揽子货币贬值2.76%。1987年6月29日,斐济元贬值17.75%,10月5日再次贬值15.25%。


The history of the currency of Fiji

The Fiji dollar has been the currency of Fiji since 1969 when it replaced the Fiji pound. The Fiji dollar like other dollar currencies is divided into 100 cents. It is normally abbreviated with the dollar sign $, or alternatively FJ$ to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies.

Current coins are issued in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 cents and 1 dollar. The two cent coin will soon be retired from circulation. Banknotes come in denominations of $2, $5, $10, $20 and $50. Older Fijian banknotes remain valid.

There is a plan to introduce a new $100 banknote which was expected to be unveiled in December 2006. Although the Reserve Bank of Fiji has since announced the plans to issue the new high denomination banknote have been canceled. It remains unclear if any new banknote issues are to be expected in light of the current political situation in Fiji.

The currency's ISO 4217 code is FJD. Prices are normally written using the dollar sign "$", sometimes it is also abbreviated as FJ$. to distinguish it from other dollar denominated currencies

Fiji scraps anticipated release of new $100 banknote.

Read full store here from the Fiji Times.





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